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CCCHC 2019 Fundraising Dinner


The Champaign County Christian Health Center invites you to join us on Friday, October 25th for our annual fundraising dinner at the

IHotel and Conference Center (1900 S 1st St, Champaign, IL 61820), in the Lincoln Conference room. Our theme is “Bringing Unity to the Community Through Healthcare.” The reception will begin at 5:30pm, followed by dinner and programming at 6:30pm. The programming will include a guest speaker, annual review of CCCHC and volunteer sharing.

Seats are $50 per guest or $500 per sponsorship. Each seat includes an appetizer, main course, and dessert, (a cash bar will also be available). Please respond by Friday, October 11, 2019.

Funds from the dinner will go toward the CCCHC’s mission of providing free, quality, and holistic healthcare services to Champaign-Urbana’s underinsured and uninsured population.

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